Databases v1


This page provides information about the databases in the cluster.

Databases in and of themselves are associated with very little information; their owner, and their MVCC method.

We can however examine the contents of each database, and produce totals for storage and processing, which provide a useful overview, which we see here.

  1. Limitations of the queries, store and I/O columns
  2. Volume of records


Name Type
database_id int8
database varchar
owner_user_id int8
owner varchar
mvcc varchar
idle interval
queries:worker:main int8
queries:worker:csc int8
store:blocks:sorted int8
store:blocks:unsorted int8
store:blocks:total int8
store:rows:sorted int8
store:rows:unsorted int8
store:rows:total int8
i/o:bytes read:disk int8
i/o:bytes read:network int8
i/o:rows:inserted int8
i/o:rows:deleted int8
i/o:rows:returned int8
i/o:bytes processed:in memory int8
i/o:bytes processed:on disk int8

Column Descriptions


The database ID. This column is emitted in CSV exports only.


The database name.


The owner user ID. This column is emitted in CSV exports only.


The owner user name.


The method used to implement MVCC.

Redshift is derived from ParAccel (sorry ParAccel devs, I gotta say, worse product name ever), which in turn derived from Postgres 8 in 2008. The method Postgres 8 used for MVCC was state of the art at that time. Shortly after though some bright spark figured out a new and better method, which is called snapshot isolation, and that went into Postgres 9, which came out in 2009.

Redshift used the Postgres 8 method since it was released in 2013, but, in 2022, introduced snapshot isolation. Clearly Redshift lives in Cincinnati.

By default databases use the original method. You must when creating a database explicitly specify the new method. You can convert an existing database to the new method, but you have to make the database completely idle first - no connections at all.

The possible values in this column then are;

Value Meaning
serializable the original method
snapshot the fancy new method from 2009!


Duration since the start of most recent table access in stl_delete, stl_insert and stl_scan, which is to say, the time since the table last had rows deleted, inserted, or was scanned. If empty, there are no records in any of these system tables within the time period being examined by the page.


The count of worker node queries completed on the cluster.


The count of worker node queries completed by a CSC cluster.


The number of sorted blocks.


The number of unsorted blocks.


The total number of blocks.


The number of sorted rows.


The number of unsorted rows.


The total number of rows.

i/o:bytes read:disk

This column then shows the total number of bytes read from disk, as best I can judge the types indicated in stl_scan.

i/o:bytes read:network

This column then shows the total number of bytes read from network, as best I can judge the types indicated in stl_scan.

Importantly, it only counts the receive side of network activity - the step is scan, after all, not broadcast, so we’re not counting bytes twice.


The number of rows inserted into the table.

For tables with all distribution, this is the physical number of rows (i.e. one per node), not the logical number of rows.


The number of rows deleted from the table.

For tables with all distribution, this is the physical number of rows (i.e. one per node), not the logical number of rows.


The number of rows returned from the leader node to the SQL client.

i/o:bytes processed:in memory

This column then shows the total number of bytes processed by the stl_aggr, stl_hash, stl_save, stl_sort and stl_unique steps, when running in memory rather than on disk.

i/o:bytes processed:on disk

This column then shows the total number of bytes processed by the stl_aggr, stl_hash, stl_save, stl_sort and stl_unique steps, when running on disk rather than in memory.