Compile Plan v1


This page provides information about segment compilation for a query.

  1. Query compilation


Name Type
stream int2
segment int2
start timestamp
end timestamp
caching varchar
duration interval

Column Descriptions


The stream ordinal. A query is composed of streams, which execute serially. Stream numbers begin at 0, execute in numeric order, and reset to 0 for each query (so are unique on a per-query basis).


The segment ordinal. A stream is composed of segments, which execute concurrently. Segment numbers begin at 0 but do not reset to 0 per stream, and so are unique, on a per-query basis.


Compilation start time.


Compilation end time.


value region meaning
compiled without off-load leader node compiled the segment
compiled with off-load off-load system compiled, or retrieved from global segment cache
cached both retrieved from leader node segment cache

Note a Redshift cluster from its own system tables has no idea which region it is in; it’s down to you to know, and interpret this column accordingly.


Compilation duration.