Roles (privs) v1


This page provides information about the privileges held by roles.

Roles can be granted to roles. This page recurses through all the roles granted to every role, and so shows, for each role, both the privileges granted directly to the role, and also all the roles, and their privileges, which provide privileges to the role.

Note this page is slow, as it must create and populate a couple of temp tables, to work around limmitations inherent in the Redshift system tables.


Name Type
role_id int8
role varchar
granted_role_id int8
granted role varchar
priv_access_system_table bool
priv_alter_datashare bool
priv_alter_default_privileges bool
priv_alter_materialized_view_row_level_security bool
priv_alter_table bool
priv_alter_table_enable_row_level_security bool
priv_alter_user bool
priv_analyze bool
priv_attach_rls_policy bool
priv_cancel bool
priv_create_datashare bool
priv_create_library bool
priv_create_or_replace_external_function bool
priv_create_or_replace_function bool
priv_create_or_replace_stored_procedures bool
priv_create_or_replace_view bool
priv_create_rls_policy bool
priv_create_role bool
priv_create_schema bool
priv_create_table bool
priv_create_user bool
priv_detach_rls_policy bool
priv_drop_datashare bool
priv_drop_function bool
priv_drop_library bool
priv_drop_model bool
priv_drop_procedure bool
priv_drop_rls_policy bool
priv_drop_role bool
priv_drop_schema bool
priv_drop_table bool
priv_drop_user bool
priv_drop_view bool
priv_explain_rls bool
priv_grant_role bool
priv_ignore_rls bool
priv_system_create_model bool
priv_truncate_table bool
priv_vacuum bool

Column Descriptions


The role ID.


The role name.


This column can be NULL. When this column is NULL, the priv_ columns show the cumulative privileges for role_id.

When this column is not NULL, and specifies a role ID, the specified role ID is a role which has been granted to role_id, and the priv_ columns show the privileges for this specified role ID only.

granted role

This column can be NULL. When this column is NULL, the priv_ columns show the cumulative privileges for role_id.

When this column is not NULL, and specifies a role name, the specified role name is a role which has been granted to role_id, and the priv_ columns show the privileges for this specified role name only.


This column is true if the role holds the access system table privilege, false otherwise.

This privilege is not documented in the GRANT syntax.


This column is true if the role holds the alter datashare privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the alter default privileges privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the alter materialized view row level security privilege, false otherwise.

This privilege is not documented in the GRANT syntax.


This column is true if the role holds the alter table privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the alter table enable row level security privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the alter user privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the analyze privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the attach rls policy privilege, false otherwise.

This privilege is not documented in the GRANT syntax.


This column is true if the role holds the cancel privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the create datashare privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the create library privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the create or replace external function privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the create or replace function privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the create or replace stored procedures privilege, false otherwise.

This privilege is documented in the GRANT syntax, but the name there is create or replace procedure.


This column is true if the role holds the create or replace view privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the create rls policy privilege, false otherwise.

This privilege is not documented in the GRANT syntax.


This column is true if the role holds the create role privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the create schema privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the create table privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the create user privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the detach rls policy privilege, false otherwise.

This privilege is not documented in the GRANT syntax.


This column is true if the role holds the drop datashare privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the drop function privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the drop library privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the drop model privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the drop procedure privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the drop rls policy privilege, false otherwise.

This privilege is not documented in the GRANT syntax.


This column is true if the role holds the drop role privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the drop schema privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the drop table privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the drop user privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the drop view privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the explain rls privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the grant role privilege, false otherwise.

This privilege is not documented in the GRANT syntax.


This column is true if the role holds the ignore rls privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the system create model privilege, false otherwise.

This privilege is not documented in the GRANT syntax.


This column is true if the role holds the truncate table privilege, false otherwise.


This column is true if the role holds the vacuum privilege, false otherwise.