Change Database v1


This page provides a means to change the database Redshift Workbench is connected to.

When this page loads, it attempts to connect (in parallel) to every database in the cluster, to check the database can be connected to, and that the necessary user exists, and that the user has the necessary privileges If there are any issues, they are reported in the notes column, along with the steps necessary to fix them, and the database cannot be changed to.

Actual information about databases is found on the clusters page, Databases.


Name Type
database_id int8
database varchar
owner_user_id int8
owner varchar
connect varchar
notes varchar

Column Descriptions


The database ID. This column is emitted in CSV exports only.


The database name.


The owner user ID. This column is emitted in CSV exports only.


The owner user name.


Hyperlink to change to the given database.


Redshift Workbench needs a user and certain privs, in a database, to be able to perform operations on that databases.

If a database lacks the necessary user and/or privs, the connect link will be greyed out, and this column will explain what’s missing.