Procedures v1


This page provides information about the procedures in the database.

Note procedures are not parsed for dependencies when they are created (it’s not possible - consider you may be constructing SQL dynamically) and so have no dependency information in the system tables. Redshift/Postgres discovers dependencies at run time; if the procedure tries to access something which does not exist, you get an error.

That’s why there’s no dependencies link.


Name Type
schema_id int8
schema varchar
procedure_id int8
procedure varchar
arguments_ids varchar
arguments varchar
owner_user_id int4
owner varchar
run as bool
related pages varchar

Column Descriptions


The schema ID. This column is emitted in CSV exports only.


The schema name.


The procedure ID. This column is emitted in CSV exports only.


The procedure name.


A comma separated string of the data type IDs for the function arguments. This column is emitted in CSV exports only.


A comma separated string of the base (so not adorned with lengths, precision, scale, etc) data type names for the function arguments.


The owner user ID. This column is emitted in CSV exports only.


The owner user name.

run as

True if the procedure, when called, runs as if it were called by its owner. False if the procedure, when called, runs as the user who called it.